Bug A Salt

The Bible says that even in a palace there will be spiders.  😁. But, I like to have them more outdoors.

Enter the Bug A Salt weapon (get it??  Bug Assault). You fill the container with salt, and when it shoots, it only shoots a pinch of salt.  But—it is LOADS of fun!!!  Boys, especially love to use it.

Just remember, it is a gun - so safety first!  Never shoot at a person, and especially not the face or eyes.  Bugs?  Let them have it!

It took us 5 hits to kill this fat spider.

Here is my Amazon affiliate link—remember— it doesn’t cost you any extra, but provides me a little remuneration. Thank you!  Amazon pricing is always subject to change at any time

Bug A Salt

Blessings!  And, have fun shooting those bugs!
