Cast Iron Pans

Ok.  I have a confession.  I have a love for cast iron pans!!  I inherited mine from my Grandma.  I LOVE this pan—it is over 80 years old!!  I am extremely cautious with this pan, making sure it’s seasoned well, washed and dried, and put away.  Never in the dishwasher!  And I use a crocheted round hot pad, of sorts, to use to protect the table, but also between my cast iron pans, so the seasoning doesn’t get scratched.  Like I said, I am extremely cautious.  They are very durable, but I just want to take the best care of them, so I can pass them on to my grandchildren.

Cast iron can be used on a stove top, even a glass top stove!, in the oven, over a camp fire.  So many uses!

A well seasoned pan will be just as good (I say better!) than any non-stick teflon coated pan.  Have you ever had a non-stick pan start to flake off???  EW!!  We do NOT want to eat that!!

So, back to my confession—I check thrift stores for cast iron pans, that just need some loving!  But, I have also bought some off Amazon (and I plan on giving some for wedding gifts—shhh—don’t tell the bride and groom!)

Amazon has an AMAZING price on a 10 1/4 inch seasoned skillet.  I couldn’t pass this up (regular price is $26.68) and on sale for $14.88 - plus tax,and it’s included in the prime free shipping!!!!!

Cast iron pans will last you for many generations!!  So—I’m thinking of my grandchildren, and great grandchildren that will eventually inherit these pans.

Here’s my affiliate link for the Lodge Cast Iron Seasoned Skillet.  Remember, it does not add any cost to you, but does give me a small fee.

Here is my Grandma’s old cast iron skillet.

And my new Lodge Cast Iron Skillet (I’ve had this for a year)

And my bridal shower skillet.

Here is one of the crocheted hot pads/protectors that I have made for my cast iron pans.  They help to store the pans, in between each pan.
Let me know how you like your cast iron pans!  Which one is your favorite??

Thank you for stopping by.  Blessings!


  1. Oh yes, you have hit on a fav that probably the younger cooks say “what???” But it is so true. The pots and pans you mention way-out-shine the teflon pans. I really like your crochet piece when you store them. In addition to the pans you show, I also like the pot with the lid... that also helped in cooking roasts and soups and on the camp fire.


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